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Caleb Fotheringham, Radio New Zealand

Samoa: Seasonal worker program to Australia & New Zealand suspended pending review due to concerns over workers’ treatment

"Stall on Samoan seasonal worker scheme ' a huge letdown'", 2 February 2022

Samoa's temporary ban on participating in seasonal worker schemes has impacted many workers hoping to go overseas.

The country has put a temporary suspension on its people working in seasonal jobs in Australia and New Zealand until a review is presented to Cabinet.


A regional seasonal employment scheme sub-committee has been appointed by Cabinet to review the programmes. The suspension will remain in place until a review is presented to Cabinet.


The suspension has been put in place following concerns the country's labour workforce is being drained and reports of poor treatment of workers.


Australia is establishing a Pacific Engagement Visa that will provide permanent residency for up to 3000 people each year from across the Pacific and Timor-Leste.
