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Radio Dabanga

Sudan: Government bans use of mercury and cyanide in mining operations due to health and environmental impacts

"Sudan cabinet outlaws mercury, cyanide in mining", 9 October 2019.

Sudan's Council of Ministers has issued directives calling an immediate halt to the use of toxic mercury and cyanide in mining operations in Sudan following mass protests in South Kordofan and elsewhere in the country...The council also ordered amendment of the agreements with companies working in the field of mining...

The directives of the council followed a review by ministers of recent events in Talodi in South Kordofan, where public protests against the impact of mining companies have led to violent clashes with militia forces...The minister announced that the Council of Ministers have stopped the work of companies and appointed environmental supervisors among residents in the area to observe work of mining processes, and report any violations that might harm the environment...

The delegation from Kadeer and Kalogi provided a comprehensive explanation to the member of the Sovereign Council on the abuses of gold mining companies and the environmental and health disasters that have occurred in the region, such as genetic deformities, animal deaths and people dying. The acting South Kordofan governor ordered on September 11 that all gold mining companies must stop working and that all their machinery and buildings will be seized until further notice. So far, this has not been implemented...