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Nanchanok Wongsamuth, Thomson Reuters Foundation

Thailand: Investigation finds migrant workers producing for Starbucks and Bauer Hockey illegally underpaid

"Exclusive: Thai garment factory investigated by Starbucks after illegal wages expose", 5 September 2019

Garment factories in Thailand…are under investigation after an expose found workers illegally underpaid…The Thomson Reuters Foundation interviewed 26 workers - all migrants from...Myanmar - employed at four factories in…Mae Sot who said they were paid less than the daily minimum wage…the MAP Foundation...said it had gathered dozens of their payslips showing illegal underpayment.

Some of the workers said they produced…for Starbucks - and provided photos of the garments that can be seen worn by baristas at its cafes…- while others worked at a factory that makes clothing for…Bauer Hockey...

...Starbucks said it was investigating the findings while Bauer Hockey said it had asked its supplier to look into the matter...Both companies said they required their suppliers to comply with local laws…

...“The supplier in question has denied these allegations,” said a Starbucks spokeswoman. “We take these claims seriously and are conducting a full investigation.”. The Starbucks’ supplier could not be reached for comment.

A spokesman for Bauer Hockey said it had asked the factory…to investigate and “take all necessary action to immediately bring its compensation practices within compliance”. A representative for the factory…supplying Bauer Hockey said it provided many benefits for workers…and covered half of the cost of their work permit fees… 
