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Vale (Brazil)

Vale response

[Please note Vale had already provided a response to Dirty Profits report 2018 in September 2017 and asked the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre to use it also here]
"Vale Response to 'Letter from Facing Finance regarding the Dirty Profits report 2018', 15 September 2017
...Dear Mrs. Lesley Burdock, Vale strongly disagrees with the content of the Dirty Profits Reports 2012 and 2013. The reports don't portray Vale´s Human Rights and Sustainability policies...La Morada, Peru Vale concluded...the process of devolution of this area to the Government of Peru...Moatize Mine, Mozambique...Vale is in compliance with the Resettlement Plan...agreed with, and approved by the Mozambican Authorities...Vale develops actions that not only guarantee livelihoods, but also actions that improve the quality of life of these populations... Rio Colorado Mine, Argentina...the company undertook a series of assessments for the final location of the Salt Storage Facility...Carajás Railroad, Brazil Vale seeks to maintain a respectful relationship and carry out actions that avoid, mitigate or compensate possible impacts of its operations on these populations... Samarco Mineração, Fundão Dam, Brazil Vale has responded to the emergency and continues to monitor and support all human rights remedy processes and environmental recovery of the Samarco accident...[T]he Samarco accident was a terrible, dramatic and unprecedented event in 73 years of Vale's existence...[F]rom the first day...[,]...Vale and its employees have been committed with the emergency response and...with the human rights remediation and environmental recovery...[T]he shareholders of Samarco, BHP Billiton and Vale...[,]...immediately launched a series of social, environmental and economic remediation and mitigation actions. An agreement with federal and state authorities was established...: Reparation ...[;]...Environmental compensation...[;]...Creation of the Renova Foundation to manage the socioenvironmental and socio economic programs...[;]...Implementation deadline of 15 years, renewable until all the programs have been implemented...[;]...Establishment of advisory committees with the participation of technical specialists, regulators and representatives of the communities...[;]...R$ 4.4 bi in the first three years (2016-2018) to guarantee the progress of the reparation and compensation actions...[;]...R$ 0.8-1.6 bi per year from 2019 to 2021...[;]...R$ 240 million per year over 15 years...[;]...Additional payment of 500 million to fund sanitation initiatives from 2016 to 2018...[V]ale...will continue to support Samarco in all that is necessary to minimize victims' pain and environmental damage...[and]... repudiates any and all forms of disrespect for human rights... Mina do Pico, Brazil...Because of alleged irregular outsourcing, as well as the submission of workers to the condition analogous to slavery, the ministry filed infringement proceedings against Vale. These tax assessments were all challenged by Vale. The classification of these irregularities as "labour analogous to slavery" is not appropriate...Onça Puma Nickel mine, Brazil Vale clarifies that..[it]...is regularly licensed...
