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29 مارس 2023

Danish Institute for Human Rights

Global: Tool on gender approach to NAPs in Peru, Thailand and Uganda provides practical insights

Danish Institute for Human Rights

“Gender in national action plans on business and human rights: where are we and where are we heading? Reflections from Peru, Thailand and Uganda” – February 2023

This practice note looks at how gender is incorporated into National Action Plans on Business and Human Rights (NAPs), drawing insights from the cases of Peru, Uganda and Thailand. The aims of the practice note are to:

Share experiences of stakeholders involved in the integration of gender in NAP processes.

Highlight challenges and obstacles impeding further integration of gender in NAPs and share lessons learned on how these challenges may be overcome.


The practice note is intended to be a resource for:

Policymakers and government officials leading or involved in the process of developing NAPs.

Actors who wish to advocate a focus on gender in NAPs, including national human rights institutions, civil society organisations, trade unions, businesses and international actors.


This practice note focuses on the NAP experiences of Peru, Uganda and Thailand. Three key criteria informed the selection of these states in order to gather insights into gender integration in NAP processes. First, all three countries have recently developed their NAPs and information is consequently more easily available and up to date. Second, the selection provides a geographical spread. Third, initial evidence indicated that gender-related conversations had taken place during these three NAP processes.

The main sources of data informing this guidance note are:

A brief review of the NAPs of Peru, Uganda and Thailand.

A desktop review of selected reports, studies and case studies on gender in the context of business and human rights (BHR).

Interviews with key informants involved in the NAP processes of Peru, Uganda and Thailand...