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17 فبراير 2023

Jiji Press

Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China calls on Japan to make mandatory HRDD law

"IPAC Calls on Japan to Make Human Rights Due Diligence Law" 17 Feb 2023

The Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China issued a statement Friday calling on Japan to legally oblige companies to check if their business partners are violating human rights through forced labour and other means.
The statement, adopted by the group of legislators from Western democracies at a meeting held in the National Diet Building in Tokyo, made it clear that members' countries will work together on preventing human rights abuses in China's Xinjiang Uighur autonomous region and Hong Kong.
For Japan, in addition to the human rights due diligence legislation, it requested an early enactment of the Japanese version of the Global Magnitsky Act of the United States, so the chair of this year's summit of the Group of Seven major industrial nations, to be held in Hiroshima in May, can slap sanctions on officials of other countries involved in human rights violations.

IPAC was established in 2020 to work toward reform on how democratic countries approach China in view of Beijing's human rights suppression. It is composed of lawmakers from some 30 countries and regions.
