EU: Environmental campaigners file lawsuits against EU over inclusion of fossil fuel-powered planes and ships in green taxonomy
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Joint letter: Setting next steps to develop the EU taxonomy
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Updated report provides overview of various EU regulatory initiatives of relevance to business & human rights in force or under development by the EU
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Berichts- und Sorgfaltspflichten des Finanzsektors in Bezug auf Nachhaltigkeit in einer Reihe von EU-Gesetzen
EU: Platform on Sustainable Finance publishes Final Report on Minimum Safeguards
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Frank Bold launches podcast discussing the latest developments in ESG, business & human rights and corporate reporting
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Danish Institute paper explores what 'big data' analysis of sustainability reporting can say about corporate respect for human rights
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EU Platform on Sustainable Finance seeks feedback on its draft report on Taxonomy Minimum Safeguards (extended deadline: 6 September)
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EU: Parliament backs labelling gas and nuclear investments as 'green'
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EU: Friends of the Earth Japan submits petition signed by 20,353 people to EU Parliament, demanding for nuclear power to not be included in EU taxonomy
Expert workshops: European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) seeks input on preparation of draft sector-specific EU Sustainability Reporting Standards
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92 civil society organizations call on financial institutions to avoid taxonomy-aligned greenwashing
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Press release: ShareAction welcomes Social Taxonomy report, calls on Commission to act swiftly
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EU: Platform on Sustainable Finance presents Social Taxonomy report; EU Commission to review recommendations aimed at helping investors define social sustainability
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EU-Taxonomie: Waffenbranche will Nachhaltigkeitsstempel - Politik dagegen
EU stuft Atomkraft und Erdgas als nachhaltig ein
Trotz massiver Kritik hat die EU-Kommission Investitionen in neue Gas- und Atomkraftwerke unter bestimmten Auflagen als klimafreundlich eingestuft. Die Pläne waren im Vorfeld stark kritisiert worden - unter anderem von Deutschland.
EU: WWF calls on the EU Parliament and Council to reject inclusion of gas & nuclear investments in taxonomy regulation
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EU-Taxonomie droht viel Glaubwürdigkeit zu verlieren – Europaparlament ist nun gefordert
Germanwatch kritisiert finalen EU-Kommissionsentwurf zur Einstufung von Erdgas und Atom als „nachhaltig“ scharf
Expertengruppe "Plattform für nachhaltige Finanzen" kritisiert Taxonomie-Entwurf der EU-Kommission
EU: 261 Japanese CSOs write to President von der Leyen urging not to include nuclear power in EU taxonomy
EU: Concerns over inclusion of gas & nuclear investments in "sustainable finance taxonomy" rules
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Germanwatch: EU droht durch „Greenwashing“ Glaubwürdigkeit bei Umsetzung des European Green Deal zu untergraben
Germanwatch kritisiert den am Silvesterabend versendeten Kommissionsentwurf zur Taxonomie
EU adopts first ‘taxonomy’ list of sustainable sectors for investors
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Six organisations working on responsible investment issue joint statement on the EU Social Taxonomy
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Call for input: EU Platform on Sustainable Finance's draft report on a social taxonomy (extended deadline: 6 September)
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MEPs sign letter urging EFRAG for transparency & balanced representation of stakeholders
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Commentary: The EU’s Renewed Sustainable Finance Strategy largely fails to put words into action
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NGOs suspend participation in EU Sustainable Finance Platform over “unscientific” criteria for bioenergy & forestry in taxonomy
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EU: NGOs welcome final recommendations of EFRAG’s Project Task Force to Commission on sustainability reporting standards
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Reports on development of EU sustainability reporting standards
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EU Taxonomy: 130 organisations call for science-based green finance rules
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EU: Coalition of NGOs, shareholder associations & sustainable investment associations call for planned sustainable taxonomy to be “rooted in climate and environmental science”
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Webinar explores synergies between EU sustainable finance, corporate disclosure and mandatory due diligence agendas
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EU Commission launches public consultation on first sets of screening criteria under sustainability taxonomy, triggering ‘environmental integrity’ warnings
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EU Commission publishes draft rules to govern which economic sectors are considered environmentally sustainable under an EU taxonomy
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EU Commission launches public consultation on criteria defining environmentally sustainable activities (Deadline: 18 Dec)
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European Supervisory Authorities consultation on ESG disclosures under EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (Deadline: 1 Sep)
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Sustainable Finance: Commission welcomes the adoption by the European Parliament of the Taxonomy Regulation
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EU Commission launches consultation on the renewed sustainable finance strategy (Deadline: 15 July 2020)
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EU says green finance will be 'key focus' of post-virus recovery phase
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EU reaches deal to define 'sustainable' investment
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New policy brief: EU Regulation on Investor Disclosure on sustainability risks and due diligence
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[FULL TEXT] Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 on sustainability‐related disclosures in the financial services sector
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Council of EU Adopts ESG Disclosure and Benchmarks Legislation
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EU sustainable finance 'taxonomy' proposal provides insufficient social & human rights safeguards, argue NGO experts
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Commission publishes guidelines to improve how firms report climate-related information and welcomes three new important reports on climate finance by leading experts
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EU Commission's Technical Expert Group recommends excluding coal & nuclear power from sustainable investments
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Expert group releases climate taxonomy proposal
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Stakeholder dialogue: progress and outcomes of the technical expert group’s work on sustainable finance
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Investors issue strong call to action as EU Parliament votes in sustainable investment disclosure rules
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EU: NGOs call on MEPs to strengthen human rights dimension of sustainable finance taxonomy in crucial vote
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EU: MEPs vote to reject amendments to 'green taxonomy' of Sustainable Finance Action Plan incl. integration of human rights into methodology
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Global Witness: EU Parliament & Council reach political agreement on new set of rules for investor due diligence
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EU sets out plan for investor sustainability disclosure rules
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EU Parliament & member states agree on low-carbon benchmarks to boost investment in sustainable projects
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EU: Technical Expert Group on Sustainable Finance publishes report on climate-related disclosures
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EU Commission publishes draft rules for finance companies to strengthen sustainability dimension of insurance & investment counselling
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Technical Expert Group inviting feedback & to host expert workshops on climate mitigation activities & usability of taxonomy
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Overview of outreach plans of the Technical Expert Group on Sustainable Finance
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Sustainable finance: Making the financial sector a powerful actor in fighting climate change
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Principles for Responsible Investment welcomes legislative proposals on financing sustainable growth
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Commission legislative proposals on sustainable finance
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Open letter calls on EU Commission to include human rights expertise in technical expert group on sustainable finance; BHRRC among signatories
Verfügbare Sprachen: English
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