25 results
Series Lawyers’ insights on corporate legal accountability: Wilmien Wicomb, Legal Resources Centre, So. Africa
"One of the biggest challenges is that our clients—affected communities—are rural communities with very little access to electricity, transport, and means of communication. It is therefore very difficult to get information quickly
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Series Lawyers’ insights on corporate legal accountability: Ade Wahyudin, Legal Aid Center for the Press, Indonesia
"The main challenge...is law enforcement officers or the government itself. Governments or even law enforcement agencies tend to be closer to companies."
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Series Lawyers’ insights on corporate legal accountability: Grizelda Mayo Anda, Environmental Legal Assistance Center, Philippines
"The lack of knowledge and understanding of the nuances of corporate accountability and government mandates make these communities vulnerable to machinations."
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Series Lawyers’ insights on corporate legal accountability: Shankar Limbu, Community Law Firm, Nepal
"Obtaining a landmark [court] decision that will set precedent is a kind of success, but the ultimate success lies in the due implementation of such a decision where human rights and fundamental freedoms are respected by state and business entities."
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Series Lawyers’ insights on corporate legal accountability: Richard Rogers, Climate Counsel, UK
"The greatest challenge is identifying a legal forum that is willing to accept jurisdiction, but is also independent, impartial, and accessible (especially in terms of costs)."
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Series Lawyers’ insights on corporate legal accountability: Channa Samkalden, Prakken d’Oliveira, Netherlands
"This ruling is about Shell and Nigeria – but it shows that parent company liability is a risk that corporations will need to actively deal with."
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Series Lawyers' insights on corporate legal accountability: Johnny White, ClientEarth, UK
"Climate issues must also be ‘mainstreamed’ into other areas of law, for example: corporate, financial, competition and consumer law. Each of these areas offer opportunities for addressing widening corporate climate accountability gaps."
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Series Lawyers' insights on corporate legal accountability: Ahmed ElSeidi, ElSeidi Law Firm, Egypt
"In Egypt, there is a lack of communication with local or international lawyers who specialize in corporate legal accountability to share lessons learned or arguments which were persuasive in court."
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Series Lawyers' insights on corporate legal accountability: Paul Frestus Mvula, Church and Society Programme, CCAP Synod of Livingstonia, Malawi
"As CSOs and mining communities get involved in litigation, this will build capacity of local communities and CSOs thereby boosting their confidence to face any multinational company."
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Series Lawyers' insights on corporate legal accountability: Gearóid Ó Cuinn, GLAN (Global Legal Action Network)
"It is important to work closely with affected communities to support their pre-existing efforts and work with them to generate impacts beyond the legal sphere."
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