9 results
Conflict and modern slavery: The investment perspective
Modern slavery and human trafficking have been a consequence of 90% of modern wars. Stephanie Williams and Katie Frame from Schroders offer practical steps for investors to engage companies on conflict and modern slavery.
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The housing crisis: Key priorities for investor action
Paloma Muñoz Quick and Cassie Collier from BSR outline key actions for investors to establish a human rights-focused approach to housing in order to address the crisis
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Governments and investors must work together to address the affordable housing crisis
Leilani Farha, Global Director of The Shift and Former UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Housing, sets out steps for governments and investors to address the crisis and respect the right to housing
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Inequality has become an investor priority - How human rights advocates can respond
Institutional investors’ recognition of the pervasive harm systemic risks to the economy and the markets can cause is changing the way they understand fiduciary duty, even beyond Europe, says Joanne Bauer and Paul Rissman, CoFounders of Rights CoLab.
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How the financial sector can help accelerate access to remedy
Kees Gootjes, Business & Human Rights Advisor at ABN AMRO, outlines the leading role the financial sector could & should play to ensure effective access to remedy for those experiencing harm to their human rights harmed by business.
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Bridging the Human Rights Gap in ESG
ESG as a framework does not sufficiently capture harms to people or guide decisions that take human rights into account. Paloma Munoz Quick (BSR) & Christen Dobson (BHRRC) explore how the business & human rights framework can help close these gaps & increase opportunities in current ESG practice among financial actors.
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Why ESG investing is bad for human rights - & what we can do about it
Greenwashing has become a hallmark of the growing ESG investing industry and is bad news for the project to advance corporate respect for human rights. David Pred & Natalie Bugalski of Inclusive Development International explain how coordinated public demand for responsible investment should be harnessed to drive better corporate conduct.
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