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5 Aug 2020

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    Weekly Update 09 February: 100+ EU companies & investors call for accountability legislation

    9 Feb 2022

    Global companies failing to comply with Australian Modern Slavery Act, new report from coalition of academics & civil society organisations shows; Oxfam America calls on EITI members to take action to ensure cos. can't use membership to boost reputation while opposing supportive regulations; South African Constitutional Court to hear Australian mining co. Mineral Commodities Ltd defamation case against 6 environmentalists & activists; Eucalyptus co. Suzano's ‘sustainable agenda’ causing conflicts with Indigenous communities & quilombolas in Brazil, claim environmentalists; Vyasi Hydroelectric project in India allegedly proceeding with no environmental impact assessment or local consultation, threatening Indigenous communities; Usdaw shopworkers union celebrates ‘huge win’ in UK legal case against Tesco over 'fire and rehire' tactics; Newcastle United FC training camp in Saudi Arabia criticised by Amnesty International for ‘sportswashing’ Govt. human rights abuses; and much more

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    Weekly Update 02 February: Rio Tinto-commissioned report documents culture of sexual harassment, bullying & racism

    2 Feb 2022

    Activists fear potential Myanmar military junta-approved M1 Group and Shwe Byain Phyu takeover of Telenor operations risks exposure of public’s personal data; Nicaraguan farmers seek USD1 billion in French court from US companies Shell Oil, Dow Chemical and Occidental Chemical for alleged health damages from pesticides; Mining company Edsabri (Private) Limited fined for conducting activities in Zimbabwe without environmental impact assessment certificate; Mexican journalist Lourdes Maldonado murdered in Baja California four days after judge ruled in her favour in labour dispute with former employer PSN; Indian apparel exporter Shahi Exports commits to paying all back wages owed to Karnataka garment workers; Drinking water in Armenian town Zovuni polluted for 2 years due to old pipes - residents allege co. Veolia Jur refuses to fix problem; Former Emirates cabin crew allege airline monitored weight & took recently pregnant employees off duty to ensure ‘glamorous’ image; and much more

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    Weekly Update 26 January: One year on from Myanmar coup, Total & Chevron withdraw

    26 Jan 2022

    Shell appeal USD1.92b judgment for alleged oil spill in Nigeria which polluted Ejalawa community lands & waterways; Meta’s oversight board recommends independent human rights due diligence assessment into Ethiopia Facebook and Instagram hate speech; Plantations et Huileries du Congo (PHC) allegedly exposed local communities in DRC to toxic waste; Grey's Anatomy-branded scrubs seller Barco Uniforms pays USD1m to striking Industrias Florenzi workers; Hundreds of migrant workers in Malaysia subject to ‘squalid’ onsite living conditions at glove manufacturers owned by Brightway Holdings; Serbian govt. drops plans for Rio Tinto lithium mine following weeks of nationwide protests over environmental & health concerns; Report alleges migrant workers at G4S Qatar continue to incur illegal recruitment fees; and much more

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    Weekly Update 19 January: Brands & retailers respond to 'worst wage theft' documented in global garment industry in Karnataka, India

    19 Jan 2022

    New York Fashion Act requiring fashion brands to disclose human & environmental impact unveiled - NGOs seek stronger labour rights protections; 4,000 Clover dairy workers in South Africa strike over redundancies & wage cuts; Vallourec fined for environmental damage & has activities suspended in Brazil after dike overflows; Nigerian Govt. lift Twitter ban after 7 months; co. didn't comment for article Major highways in Belgrade blocked by protest against lithium mining in Serbia; Dubai Labour Court uses new legal provision to freeze employers' assets in cases of unpaid wages; Residents allege Zululand Anthracite Colliery failed to notify communities of coal slurry spill which polluted water sources; Monsanto pleads guilty to endangering employees with dangerous pesticide in Hawaii - co. to pay USD12m in fines; and much more

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    Weekly Update 12 January: Internet blackout as oil workers lead mass protests in Kazakhstan

    12 Jan 2022

    IOC urged to disclose due diligence taken to eliminate Winter Olympic merchandise materials allegedly produced by Uyghur forced labour; Villagers in Zimbabwe lose eviction battle to pave way for commercial irrigation venture in pivotal 'right to self-determination' court case; Explosion & fire at Imerys chemical deposit in Barcarena, Brazil, cause toxic smoke, town population report damage to health; Chubut province, Argentina, overturns law that was to allow large-scale mining after mass protests; Union members arrested after strike against NagaWorld casino layoffs and paycuts in Cambodia; Civil Society concerned by inclusion of gas & nuclear investments in new EU ‘sustainable finance taxonomy’ rules; Construction co. Gulf House Co. for Trading & Contracting fined & suspended from Qatar Govt. contracts for failing to renew visas or pay salaries for 4 months; and much more

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    Weekly Update 22 December: Civil society win in France duty of vigilance case

    22 Dec 2021

    France's Supreme Court recognises jurisdiction of civil court in case against oil giant Total for alleged crimes in Uganda, in civil society win; Refugees around the world lack COVID-19 vaccines because drug-makers fear side effect lawsuits; Madagascar: Human rights defenders representing fishermen who had protested against Rio Tinto released due to lack of evidence; CSO welcomes verdict; Brazil: Analysis of 30 cases of environmental conflicts finds Vale's corporate social responsibility policy is undermined by its performance; India: Villagers & environmental activists in Odisha charged for opposing JSW steel plant; Armenia: Local residents allege Multi Group Concern’s gold mine has led to soil pollution; Iran: Mine workers join mass nationwide uprising at co. offices in Khuzestan & East Azerbaijan over unfair dismissals, workplace discrimination & unjust conditions; and much more

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    Chinese Responsible Investment Overseas Newsletter Issue 16 (Dec 2021) | China pledges not to build new coal power plant abroad; concerns over funding overseas fossil fuel projects remain

    15 Dec 2021

    China pledges not to build new coal power plant abroad; concerns over funding overseas fossil fuel projects remain; Migrant workers reportedly paid less than promised and feel exploited in China’s BRI projects; some were found exposed to risks of forced labour and human trafficking amid COVID-19 pandemic

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    Weekly Update 15 December: Greater rights protections for gig workers in EU & UK

    15 Dec 2021

    EU draft rules set to redefine gig economy workers as employees; UK High Court rules Uber’s business model unlawful; Economic harm to women garment workers in Asia during pandemic directly linked to brands’ irresponsible actions & business model, says report; Ruashi Mining threatens human rights defenders & disseminates false information to avoid responsibility for human rights violations in DRC, says report; Brutal conditions endured by migrant agricultural workers brought to US by alleged labour trafficking network via work visa programme; End of palm oil plantation moratorium will cause increase in land conflicts & deforestation in Indonesia, says NGO; Swiss commodity traders control 2.7 million hectares of land yet fail to take sufficient responsibility for human rights & environment, research alleges; England football team to be briefed on Qatar’s human rights records before deciding whether to protest at 2022 World Cup; and much more

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