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25 Oct 2017


Indonesia: Coca-cola Amatil faces allegations of serious violations of workers' right to organise

"Coke Classic? In Indonesia Coca-Cola Amatil retains nostalgia for the military dictatorship", 04 October 2017

...Nearly two decades after the fall of the Suharto dictatorship in Indonesia, Coca-Cola Amatil (CCA) is still clinging to the repressive trade union structures established under the authoritarian military regime... 

CCA believes that the old trade union structures of the SPSI-RTMM (National Union of Tobacco, Food and Beverage Employees of Indonesia), which for years colluded with the military to suppress workers' human rights, are useful for its business expansion. As the company restructures, management can make deals with SPSI-RTMM to prevent workers from challenging and negotiating those changes. It ensures that those who claim to speak on behalf of workers will not defend their rights...

...More and more workers are standing up to exercise their human rights - to form and join trade unions of their own choosing - like workers in other multinational companies where independent, democratic trade unions were formed after the fall of the dictatorship in 1998...

In response, CCA has once again demonstrated its nostalgia for the repressive past. The elected trade union leaders of these new independent unions have been targeted, victimized and terminated or forcibly transferred...