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8 Feb 2024

KnowTheChain Research Assistant

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Business & Human Rights Resource Centre is seeking a part-time research assistant as part of our work on forced labour in global supply chains through our flagship benchmark, KnowTheChain. The KnowTheChain Research Assistant will support KnowTheChain’s goal of producing data on corporate efforts to address forced labour in supply chains, and to provide practical resources for investors and companies to understand and address forced labour risks.


  • Location: United Kingdom/Germany
  • Contract duration: 1 year
  • Salary: GBP 16,200 for 3 days per week (adjusted by location)
  • Closing date: 10 March
  • Interview date: w/c 18 March
  • Start date: Mid-April
  • Annual leave: 14.5 days/year

HOW TO APPLY: Complete and return this application form via our jobs portal. Kindly note that the application form is required; we will not accept CVs. If you need any additional support, please reach out to Giulia Vinzi at [email protected].

The Organisation

Business & Human Rights Resource Centre works with diverse allies and partners to put human rights at the core of companies’ business models and end abuse; to empower communities and workers to secure their rights and gain accountability for abuse; and to encourage governments to create the right regulation and incentives to uphold human rights in business. We are a global organisation that is rooted in five continental regions. We have a diverse Global Team of 80, based in 20 locations around the world. The Global Team members work with a rich network of human rights advocates in ten languages. Our work covers the full gamut of human rights in business, with three thematic programmes: accountable digital technologies; responsible natural resource use and a just transition, and workers’ rights in global supply chains.

The KnowTheChain Benchmark sits within the latter, producing research and analysis on corporate practices and holding corporations accountable for their failures in addressing forced labour in global supply chains.


The responsibilities of the Research Assistant include:

  • Carrying out research of corporate disclosure on supply chain forced labour policies and practices, and other publicly available information on benchmarked companies (e.g. allegations, sourcing countries, business models, etc)
  • Ensuring consistency in the application of research methodology
  • Support the analysis of research outcomes
  • Engagemingwith companies and other stakeholders as needed including by curating the monthly newsletter
  • Assist with other organisational work as necessary, including administrative support: e.g. updating contact details for companies and stakeholders, and supporting webinars or events

Essential Skills & Experience

Values: Strong demonstrated commitment to human rights and interest in advancing labour rights in global supply chains. Shares values and ethos of the Resource Centre.

Research and analytical skills: Able to search and identify relevant information online; persistent in seeking out difficult-to-find information (e.g., through desk-based research and phone calls); strong attention to detail; creative in identifying new sources of information; strong Microsoft Excel and Word skills.

Communications: Excellent writing skills, and strong understanding of how to present complex information in a succinct and balanced way.

Representation skills: Able to foster productive, professional relationships with a broad range of contacts.

Solidarity building: Able to foster productive relationships for the purpose of contributing to the incredible work of various groups working on the impact of business on human rights.

Self-initiative and organisation: Able to use own initiative and work independently within agreed framework. Strong time management and prioritisation skills, and able to work under pressure and tight deadlines.

Team-work: Able to operate effectively and constructively with colleagues based around the world and willing to adapt work hours to liaise with team members based in other regions.

Languages: Fluency in English required (reading, writing and speaking)


  • 1+ years’ work in the field of social responsibility, labour rights, or similar
  • Experience in researching corporate human rights disclosure
  • Experience engaging with rightsholders, investors, companies, and governments

HOW TO APPLY: Complete and return this application form via our jobs portal. Kindly note that the application form is required; we will not accept CVs. If you need any additional support, please reach out to Giulia Vinzi at [email protected].


United Kingdom, Germany
GBP 16,200 for 3 days per week
Closing date
10 Mar 2024

For more information please follow the link to the job

Link to Job