Appeal 5: Measures for Addressing Wage Theft Affecting Millions of Migrant Workers in the Times of COVID-19
Despite the issue [of wage theft] gaining great visibility among policy makers and generating meaningful debates and interest, little tangible progress has been made in practice to effectively diminish the great burden on the migrant workers and the indignity [migrant workers] are suffering... as the pandemic continues to wreak havoc across the globe, workers continue to return, nameless and faceless, to their countries of origin without their hard-earned wages and benefits...
we renew our call on the countries of origin and the countries of destination to honour their commitment to respect, protect and fulfill the rights of migrant workers, taking immediate and practical measures to remedy wage theft and to ensure justice for affected migrant workers...
We urge the countries of origin and the countries of destination to make available disaggregated data collected in the course of addressing wage theft in order to fully assess the exacerbation of the crime in the time of COVID-19 and to guide and assist the migrant workers in their efforts to recover their statutory dues...
the measures below offer a number of concrete and tangible steps countries must immediately take in order to effectively address wage theft: