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15 Nov 2021


Armenia: Local residents urge govt. to reject Spandaryan basalt mining project over environmental concerns

Armenia: Statement of Society against Spandaryan Basalt Mining Project in Yerevan, 15 November 2021

"Trav Stone Group" LLC intends to develop Spandaryan basalt mine in Yerevan. Currently, 21 mining rights are granted in Yerevan for the extraction of minerals from non-metallic mines. The mines operating in...Yerevan have a negative impact on the air,...which is already loaded with construction dust and transport gases. They pollute the air with dust, truck emissions, destroy the landscape of the capital, pollute the areas with waste, dumps, car oils, and make noise. According to Hydrometereological Monitoring Center of RA Environment Ministry, a tendency of increasing dust and nitrogen dioxide has been observed in Yerevan during the last 5 years.

The green belts of the capital, which clean the air of the capital, have been destroyed...The destruction of small green parks and public areas in the yard continues. The green area in Yerevan was calculated at a typical ratio of 7.6 m2 per capita...which is lower than the World Health Organization's minimum value of 9 m2 per capita.

Under such conditions,...the society is against new mining in Yerevan, when there are no strict requirements for the soil managers in the capital to undertake, fulfill and perform their environmental and social obligations, there is no strict control and responsibility.