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4 Nov 2021

Financial Express BD

Bangladesh: International Trade Union Confederation alleges abuse of workers on the rise despite govt. commitment to ILO roadmap to reform

"Labour rights deteriorating in Bangladesh despite govt promise: ITUC", 4 November 2021

Abuse of workers' rights is on the rise in Bangladesh as per allegations by the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC).

Labour rights are deteriorating in the country despite the government's promises to an International Labour Organization (ILO) roadmap for reform, it said in a statement...


According to ITUC Global Rights Index, it said, Bangladesh has been rated 5 - no guarantee of rights - for the past eight years and Bangladesh is one of the 10 worst countries in the world for working people in 2021.


As the government of Bangladesh prepares to update the ILO Government Body on the progress of reform, anti-union discrimination, wage discrimination and unsafe working conditions continue to be reported in three of the country's largest employment sectors - ready-made garments, shipbreaking, and the leather (tannery) sector.


"The government of Bangladesh must immediately set up a transparent and effective monitoring mechanism for the implementation of the ILO roadmap and meaningfully consult with tripartite constituents on all the action points," the ITUC said.