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17 Dec 2021

CEE Bankwatch Network

Bosnia and Herzegovina: Bern Convention to investigate hydropower damage to upper Neretva river in response to complaint by NGOs

Bern Convention to investigate hydropower damage to the upper Neretva River in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 3 December 2021

The EFT Group’s 35 MW Ulog plant, with a 53-metre high dam, is already being built by China’s Sinohydro. Construction works were already halted once in 2013 after two fatal accidents caused by landslides..but resumed in 2020. A series of seven smaller plants is also planned further upstream by local company Marvel d.o.o. and will turn most of the upper course of the river – a section of about 38 kilometres – into a series of dams, pipes and reservoirs.

The complaint, submitted by the Center for the Environment, Aarhus Center Sarajevo, Riverwatch, Euronatur, ClientEarth and CEE Bankwatch Network, alleges that the Bosnia and Herzegovina authorities failed to protect the upper Neretva – part of the Convention’s Emerald Network – by permitting hydropower development along its entire length.

The Emerald Network is an ecological network consisting of natural areas of special interest for protection, located in the member states of the Bern Convention. Due to its uniqueness, the upper course of the Neretva River had already been put forward for protection within this network in 2005.

Although the environmental impact assessments for these projects identified several significant species such as otters and crayfish being present, the government of the Republika Srpska Entity concluded, without any evidence, that these projects would not have a negative impact on the environment and could be implemented...