Brazil: Building and Wood Workers’ Intl. and inspectors report 11 workers died in construction for the Olympics & many worked in slave-like or poor conditions
11 workers killed in Rio Olympics projects – BWI calls for independent investigation”, 27 April 2016
...11 workers have died in the construction for the 2016 Olympics in Rio..., according to...Building and Wood Workers’ International (BWI) and state labour inspectors. “…[L]ack of respect for workers’ lives. It is shameful that employers and organizers behind the Olympics are putting profits over workers’ safety and health...[I]t is the responsibility of the International Olympic Committee to make sure that no one should have to die in the name of the games,” said Ambet Yuson, General Secretary of the BWI. The deadliest project related to the Rio Olympics is the extension of the Metro Line…Two workers…also died in the construction of the Olympic Park…Fatal accidents have…been reported in the roadwork related to the Olympic sites and the construction of two museums…for the Olympics...[O]ne construction worker died by being run over by a truck, another by falling from a ladder, one from being whipped by a compressed air hose and one from electric shock...[W]orkers...[were]...buried alive and killed in vehicles turning over...[M]any accidents leading to serious injury have…been reported...Brazilian inspectors have...reported slave-like working conditions in the construction of the building that will be used as media accommodation during the Olympics in 2016 the Athletes Village. “A thorough, transparent and independent investigation by...labour inspectors…with trade unions must be conducted to prevent further tragedies and put into place a mechanism to prevent more accidents from happening. The International Olympic Committee and local organizers cannot let the death of workers pass under the radar”, said Ambet Yuson. “[C]ompanies should increase the dialogue with trade unions…to prevent other accidents” said Nilson Duarte Costa, president of BWI affiliate SITRAICP...BWI... proposed a Health and Safety Occupational Protocol with guidelines to prevent accidents based in the experience of World Cup discussed in the Tripartite Regional Standing Committee on Conditions and Work Environment in the Construction Industry of Rio...