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28 Apr 2021

Khy Sovuthy, CamboJA

Cambodia: 1,673 workers from 206 factories test positive for COVID-19 while community transmissions lead to lockdown and curfew in Phnom Penh and Kandal province

"More than 1,600 workers from 206 factories have been infected with COVID-19", 28 April 2021

Garment workers make up a large share of Cambodia’s COVID-19 cases, with some 1,673 workers from 206 factories having tested positive since the latest outbreak…, according to the Ministry of Labor. Additionally, more than 17,000 workers are in quarantine and being monitored after having come into contact with an infected person.

“However, these numbers can increase or change because now in Kandal province’s Ang Snuol district, we are testing and seeking the people who came in direct contact [with positive workers] to continue to test,” said spokesman Heng Sour, …

Though factories were … ordered to put into place some measures to prevent the spread of the virus, including mandatory mask wearing, most workers travel on crowded trucks and live in small rental rooms with shared facilities, making social distancing all but impossible…

Of the 206 factories which have seen COVID-19 cases, 134 are in Phnom Penh, 23 in Kandal, 26 in Takeo, 16 in Preah Sihanouk province, four in Svay Rieng, one in Kampong Chhnang, and one in Kampong Cham province…

… Ou Ravy, 37, a garment worker who lives with three friends in a rental room in Kambol district’s Kambol commune, said that she and other workers haven’t worked since factories in Phnom Penh were closed .... All four of them now fear going hungry after running out of rice sent from home a week ago. They pooled their remaining money to buy more rice, but haven’t been able to buy meat, fish, or vegetables…
