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30 Sep 2022

Ministry of Business Innovation & Employment, New Zealand Government

New Zealand: Govt. releases summary of feedback on legislative proposals to address modern slavery & worker exploitation

September 2022

The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) consulted on proposed legislation to address modern slavery and worker exploitation in operations and supply chains from 8 April to 7 June 2022.


Overall, there was strong support for the proposed legislation’s objectives and graduated approach, under which all New Zealand entities would have responsibilities [...]. This support was consistent across different types of submitters, including across businesses. Submitters agreed that:

  • All entities should have to take reasonable and proportionate action if they become aware of modern slavery in their international operations and supply chains, and/or modern slavery or worker exploitation in their domestic operations and supply chains (95% support, excluding ‘unsure responses’).
  • All entities should be required to undertake due diligence to prevent, mitigate and remedy modern slavery and worker exploitation by New Zealand entities where they are the parent or holding company or have significant contractual control over the New Zealand entity (90% support).
  • Medium and large entities should be required to report annually on the due diligence they are undertaking to address modern slavery in their international operations and supply chains, and modern slavery and worker exploitation in their domestic operations and supply chains (87% support).
  • Large entities should be required to meet due diligence obligations to prevent and mitigate modern slavery in their international operations and supply chains, and modern slavery and worker exploitation in their domestic operations and supply chains (94% support).
