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20 Oct 2014

Equitable Cambodia & Inclusive Development International

Displaced Cambodians file OECD complaint against ANZ Bank for financing massive land grab

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[Business & Human Rights Resource Centre invited ANZ to respond; response provided.] Inclusive Development International and Equitable Cambodia have filed a formal complaint with the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) against the Australian ANZ Bank. The complaint was lodged on behalf of 681 families who were forcibly displaced and dispossessed of their land and property to make way for a sugar plantation and refinery that received significant financing from ANZ. The complaint describes widespread breaches by ANZ of its responsibilities under the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises…According to the complaint: “In addition to forced evictions, military-backed land seizures, and destruction of crops and property, the project is also implicated in arbitrary arrests and intimidation of villagers and the widespread use of child labour.” ANZ is believed to have provided tens of millions of dollars to the Phnom Penh Sugar Company…
