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6 May 2022

Equal Times

Dominican Republic: Trade unions propose balancing the responsibilities of work and family life in the reform of the Labour Code

"Trade unions in Dominican Republic want work-life balance rights to be recognised", 06 May 2022

...Dominican workers’ unions want a fair work-life balance in their country. It is one of the proposals they have taken to the ongoing discussion on the reform of the Labour Code, a legal text that has been in force for 30 years.

Longer maternity and paternity leave as well as provisions to prohibit employers from terminating employees’ contracts on account of their family responsibilities, discriminating against employees, or coercing them directly or indirectly to terminate their contracts on such grounds, are among the proposals that trade unions have brought to the table in the tripartite dialogue with the government and employers...

Adopting the reforms needed to balance work and family responsibilities is on the list of proposals presented in February 2022 by the Dominican Republic’s trade union confederations...

...Cimtra, the inter-union women’s committee with representatives from the three union confederations, already presented it in a demands document drawn up ahead of the change of government for the 2020-2024 period.

The document calls for the inclusion of clauses in collective bargaining agreements to ensure gender equality and equal treatment of workers with family responsibilities, based on the International Labour Organization (ILO) conventions on equal remuneration, non-discrimination in employment and occupation, and workers with family responsibilities, among others...

The unions are also pressing for maternity leave in the Dominican Republic (raised from 12 to 14 weeks in 2017), to be increased to 18 weeks, in line with the minimum suggested by ILO Recommendation 191, as well as an increase in paternity leave from two to a minimum of 15 days, and the same rights to parental leave for those who adopt...