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16 Apr 2022

Middle East Eye

Media outlets raises concern about Meta's censorship of Palestinian experiences and narratives

"Facebook briefly suspends Palestinian news page following al-Aqsa raid coverage", 16 April 2022

Facebook briefly suspended the page of a Palestinian news site following its rolling coverage of the violent Israeli raid on al-Aqsa Mosque...

The Al-Qastal news site said ... that Facebook had deleted its page without warning or explanation... Hours later, however, the page announced [that the page] has been reinstated. 

It remains unclear why Facebook had suspended Al-Qastal's Arabic news page. The bilingual Jerusalem-based outlet accused the social media platform of yielding to pressure from Israeli authorities who aim to "silence the voices of Jerusalemites," according to its intitial statement. 

Censorship of Palestinians 

Meta... has often been accused of censoring the experiences of Palestinians and their narrative on its platforms.

Hours after the Israeli raid... Dutch-Palestinian supermodel Bella Hadid claimed she was "shadow banned" by Instagram for posting about Palestine. Omar Suleiman, a prominent American-Muslim preacher, also claimed on Friday that his account was restricted.