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10 May 2022

Alexander Cornwell, Reuters

Foreign food delivery drivers stage rare strike in Dubai

See all tags Allegations

Foreign food-delivery workers in the United Arab Emirates staged a mass walk-out on Monday, calling for better pay and working conditions...

In the latest stoppage, drivers for Talabat, the Middle East unit of Germany's Delivery Hero (DHER.DE), on Monday evening disrupted services as they refused deliveries in Dubai...

A group of Talabat drivers told Reuters in the early hours of Tuesday morning outside a Dubai restaurant that they had been encouraged to walk out in protest of low pay and working conditions by the success of the Deliveroo strike this month.

The strike, which massively disrupted Deliveroo services over a weekend, saw the British food delivery company meet driver demands to not proceed with plans to reduce earnings.

Talabat drivers said they were calling for an equivalent of a $0.54 increase in payments to $2.59 per order to help with high fuel costs that are up more than 30% this year in the UAE.

A Talabat spokesperson said until last week 70% of drivers had expressed satisfaction with the pay structure, which saw them on average earn 3,500 dirhams - or $953 - a month.

The spokesperson...said there had been no recent changes in pay.

Talabat drivers, however, said after paying for petrol they were now earning 2,500 dirhams a month working 12 - 14 hours a day, seven days a week, while still needing to cover living costs.

A Delivery Hero spokesperson said the company was aware of the strike and was in close contact with Talabat and was in constant dialogue with drivers to improve benefits and conditions.
