Four years after the BP disaster, experts say it could happen again
Four years after BP’s Deepwater Horizon offshore drilling rig exploded…experts are warning that similar disasters could happen again…[G]overnment regulations and companies’ safety cultures have not kept pace with increases in global offshore oil production and rapid changes in the technology…Without more regulations and changes at the top of multinational corporations, experts believe that another disaster like the Deepwater Horizon explosion is imminent…[W]hile there were…recommendations, reports and regulatory action in the months following the Deepwater Horizon disaster, fervor surrounding deepwater drilling safety has since faded…[B]eyond the bifurcation of one agency and the creation of several industry-backed groups as well as the proliferation of dozens of consortiums, panels and white papers on offshore drilling safety, some say that tangible regulations are still sorely lacking and that the culture of oil companies is focused more on profit than safety…