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4 Nov 2021

Global Campaign to Reclaim Peoples Sovereignty, Dismantle Corporate Power and Stop Impunity

Global South states and civil society keep up momentum on the latest negotiations of UN Binding Treaty, says Global Campaign

"Global South states and civil society keep up momentum to regulate transnationals corporations under international human rights law", 2 Nov 2021

The UN Binding Treaty – as it is commonly known – negotiations have taken a qualitative leap forward with a new methodology adopted during this session, bringing transparency and encouraging States to take a position on concrete language of the draft treaty. A total of 69 States participated during the week…

’We welcome the fact that many states are discussing direct and clear obligations for transnational corporations and other transnationally active entities, overcoming normative national limitations that contribute to impunity…’

As with every year, civil society played an essential role, defending the need for this process, driving its continuity and nurturing it with detailed analyses, strong arguments and concrete content proposals…

‘Access to remedy and justice has become a generational struggle rife with obstacles,’ …

…[The aim is] for ‘an ambitious and effective Treaty with binding rules for transnational corporations and the entities along the global production chains, which play a major role in the climate and biodiversity crises, labour exploitation and historic levels of inequality. Their reprehensible behaviour puts the future of humanity and the planet at risk.’

‘Some western states and business-representatives repeatedly defend the relevance of the existing voluntary frameworks and even made unsuccessful attempts to suggest alternatives to the Binding Treaty, as part of a strategy, led by the US, to water down the process and foster the adoption of new futile frameworks…’

However, there are concerns about the risk of a loss of transparency in the process … in relation to, ‘the immediate future of the negotiations as it continues through the so-called “Group of Friends of the Chair” during the inter-sessional period. The new inter-state negotiation methodology must ensure social participation, so that the voice of affected communities is heard and considered…