UN Intergovt. Working Group on binding treaty confirms dates for 10th session after CSOs’ open letter raised concerns

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"Open letter to Permanent and Observer Missions to the United Nations Office in Geneva, and all relevant stakeholders regarding 10th session of the OEIGWG", 30 October 2024
...[T]he Permanent Mission of Ecuador informed all Permanent and Observer Missions to the United Nations Office in Geneva, and all relevant stakeholders, that the 10th session of the OEIGWG would take place in Geneva, exceptionally. from 16 to 20 December, 2024, in Geneva...
...[T]he Permanent Mission of Ecuador wishes to inform that the Chair-Rapporteur of the OEIGWG, has taken very careful consideration of the concerns transmitted by an open-letter signed by several coalitions and organizations of the civil society regarding the postponement of the dates for the upcoming 1Oth session of the OEIGWG, including the logistical and financial challenges resulting from this exceptional change due to force majeure circumstances...
The Permanent Mission of Ecuador on behalf of the Chair-Rapporteur of the OEIGWG reiterates its full commitment to continue leading this collective effort, together with all States and other relevant stakeholders, including in particular civil society organizations and those affected by the issues under debate by the OEIGWG, towards the fulfilment of the mandate the Human Rights Council Resolution 26/9. In that regard, during the coming days, the Chair-Rapporteur of the OEIGWG, will issue an updated version of the draft Programme of Work and methodology of the 10th session, followed by the convening of the pending consultation with the assistance of legal experts, on the clusters for the intersessional thematic consultations to implement HRC Decision, adopted by consensus in July 2024, entitled "Enhancing the support capabilities of the open-ended intergovernmental working group on transnational corporations and other business enterprises with respect to human rights, established by Human Rights Council resolution 26/9"...