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4 Apr 2022


Japan: Govt. funds UNDP for promoting responsible business by strengthening human rights standards across 17 countries

" UNDP promotes responsible business by strengthening human rights standards across 17 countries, with support from Japan" 4 April 2022

UNDP will work to improve human rights standards in business in 17 countries through a new project funded by the Government of Japan. By promoting the implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the initiative will better equip governments and companies to understand and act upon their duties and responsibilities to prevent abuses such as forced labor, land grabbing and discrimination.

The project will serve two main purposes. First, it will guide companies to carry out Human Rights Due Diligence (HRDD) to assess, prevent and mitigate adverse impacts. To achieve this, UNDP will support Japanese companies and their suppliers in managing human rights risks potentially associated with their operations. The companies will also benefit from this process, as businesses that demonstrate clean operations have clear advantages in placing their products on the market.

The second objective of the project is to help the 17 target countries develop policies to tackle business-related human rights abuses. UNDP will work with governments to create a level playing field that will motivate more companies to embrace responsible business practices. The project will be implemented by UNDP’s Country Offices in Ghana, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Mexico, Mongolia, Mozambique, Nepal, Pakistan, Peru, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, Viet Nam. Training and guidance to Japanese companies will also be provided in Japan.
