Labour exploitation is a severe problem in Western markets, incl. within the US and Europe, incl. migrant worker abuse
“Shattering the Complacency of Western Compliance”
…The common perception is that Eastern production hubs like China, Bangladesh and Vietnam have greater problems with ethical and labor standards than their Western counterparts. However, data we have compiled from over 20,000 audits worldwide in the last year contradicts this notion…
Many Western markets, presumed by some to be excluded from the most damning ESG risk events, were revealed to be higher risk in the past year. The United States, in particular, exhibited a decrease in every key labor index, including forced labor and child labor, with countries in the EU following close behind…
Among the most vulnerable labor cohorts, foreign migrant workers are especially at risk of becoming entrapped in forced labor arrangements due to their irregular status and limited access to social and legal protection…
…There have been numerous investigations that have revealed the use of child labor in the agricultural sector and directly implicated many of the West’s largest consumer product brands, especially in the U.S. The number of children employed who are under 15, excessive working hours and poorly enforced laws across many states have contributed to this. ..
The rapid rise of e-commerce globally has led to an increase in warehouse workers, who are often exploited…