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18 Jun 2020

Australian Mining

“NHP-owned mine faces human rights allegations involving UN”

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…A BHP-backed coal mine in Colombia has been accused of violating the human rights of the Provincial Wayuu community amid the coronavirus pandemic…A British barrister said the mine, Cerrejón had resumed operations during COVID-19, placing the community at risk and contributing to the issue of water scarcity…The Twenty Essex legal chambers of London barrister is appealing to the United Nations Special Rapporteur to intervene on behalf of the Wayuu people due to the alleged damages to their health. “In the prevailing lockdown it is even more difficult for the Wayuu to access water,” the Twenty Essex legal chambers of London said in a statement to Reuters…“In essence, the communities are seeking the suspension of all mining activities by Cerrejón in the current context,” barrister Monica Feria-Tinta said…Cerrejón rejected the allegations, stating that the information about its social and environmental performance was inaccurate and biased…Cerrejón stated that it was ready and willing to offer information to the United Nations agencies about its social and environmental performance…Operations at the Cerrejón mine were significantly reduced in March, only to gradually pick up production in mid-April…
