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1 Dec 2021

Alyssa Nicole O. Tan, Business World (Philippines)

Philippines: Overseas workers to be burdened with admin costs as Govt. outsources passport renewal

"Overseas workers decry higher passport renewal cost with 3rd party service provider," 30 Nov 2021

Filipino workers based overseas denounced the government’s use of a third party service provider for the renewal of passports, which has bumped up costs.  

“The third party may resolve the convenience concerns, but it is at the expense of our OFWs (overseas Filipino workers) and migrants,” Joanna Concepcion, chairperson of Migrante International, said in a Viber call with BusinessWorld...

Philippine embassies in the Middle East, Europe, Asia, and the United States (US) have tapped e-Passport Renewal Centers (PaRC) to provide a faster, more convenient option for Filipinos to renew passports. 

The price, however, is more than double through the PaRC service, according to Ms. Concepcion...

These fees are excessive and a burden especially at a time when migrant workers’ job security and wages are still affected by the coronavirus pandemic, she added. “It’s unjust.”