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29 Nov 2022

Sagar Chand, Shailendra Mahato and Krishna Adhikari, Online Khabar

Qatar: 1,641 Nepali workers died between 2011 & 2020 while others faced abuse incl. wage theft

See all tags Allegations

"FIFA World Cup 2022, for Nepali migrant workers’ families, is a reminder of deaths and sufferings", 29 Nov 2022

Bhim Bahadur Lohar, from Madhuwan rural municipality in Bardiya, went to Qatar to work in 2010. There he worked for a construction company tasked to build buildings including one of the eight stadiums that are currently hosting the FIFA World Cup 2022...

“His death certificate said he died a natural death. But, it didn’t state how he died,” says Sita. “He hadn’t been paid for around five months and his company sent Rs 295,000 after his death.”...

Despite many Nepalis returning home in coffins and others with chronic illnesses, their families here still waiting for compensation and insurance money. Many refuse to watch the FIFA World Cup hosted by a country which changed their lives forever, for the worse...

As the demand for workers increased, lots of Nepalis started queueing up outside recruitment agencies. The number of Nepalis going to Qatar in 2010 was less than 50,000, but after that, the number crossed 100,000. The excitement was such that everyone wanted to go earn money working in the rich Gulf country...

According to the data given to The Guardian by the Nepali Embassy in Qatar, 1,641 Nepali workers died in the ten years between 2011 and 2020...