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22 Nov 2022

Sophie King-Hill, Yahoo Sports

Qatar 2022: Expert says FIFA banning OneLove armbands goes against its own values on the prevention of discrimination

"World Cup 2022: Fifa's clampdown on rainbow armbands conflicts with its own guidance on human rights", 21 Nov 2022

The latest issue arose as the England and Wales captains were set to defy Fifa by wearing “OneLove” armbands during the tournament. The rainbow armbands are a gesture against discrimination and in support of LGBTQ+ rights. However on the eve of the tournament, Fifa announced its own social campaign armbands and its president, Gianni Infantino, stated “we have clear regulations on armbands.”

It was said that players found to be wearing the rainbow armbands could face on-the-pitch sanctions, including yellow cards...

Qatar’s stance on LGBTQ+ human rights is seemingly in conflict with Fifa values and raises serious questions as to the governing body’s position in relation to this...

Fifa adopted the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights in 2016. The UN has repeatedly confirmed that discrimination based on a person’s sexual orientation, gender identity and sex characteristics is contrary to international human rights law.

Fifa also created a human rights and anti-discrimination department in 2020. This is underpinned by the requirement for the body to take measures to mitigate and prevent human rights infringements.

The treatment of people from the LGBTQ+ community in Qatar appears to be in direct conflict with Fifa’s purported values...
