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3 Nov 2022

Qatar 2022: Labour Minister rejects "racist" compensation proposal for migrant workers; HRW & Amnesty Intl. respond

Shutterstock (purchased)

In a latest interview ahead of Qatar 2022 later this month, the Labour Minister Ali Bin Samikh Al Marri commented that an NGO-led campaign for a remediation programme for migrant workers in Qatar is a "publicity stunt" and accused Qatar's critics of racism.

In response, Human Rights Watch highlighted how while Qatar has made significant reforms in recent years, their research shows how many were late or not enforced adequately, leaving workers exposed to abuse and failing to protect all workers who helped prepare the emirate for the World Cup. Amnesty International called the comments "hugely disappointing", and pointed to the fact that the vast majority of workers who have returned home to countries like Nepal or Bangladesh cannot access current mechanisms for redress in Qatar.
