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20 Jan 2022

Business Tech (South Africa)

S. Africa: Gender Commission cautions businesses & employers against forcing employees to vaccinate & imposing harsh sanctions on them if they don’t

‘Warning against mandatory vaccination policies in South Africa’ 17 January 2022

The Commission for Gender Equality (CGE) has warned companies against introducing mandatory vaccination policies, which it says risks infringing the Constitutional rights of workers. The Chapter 9 body raised concerns around a recent study that found that some Covid-19 vaccines may cause a small change to the menstrual cycle length – but that this change is temporary. While health experts believe this finding is not clinically significant, the Commission cautioned businesses and various institutions against forcing employees to vaccinate and imposing harsh sanctions on them if they do not.

The Commission said it is aware that several companies in the corporate and retail sectors have introduced mandatory vaccinations in their workplaces, and many more may follow suit. “The Commission is concerned that employees who do not vaccinate may have their contracts terminated by employers if vaccination mandates are allowed to continue without taking the workers’ human rights into consideration,” it said. “The country’s retail sector employs a high number of young females as cashiers and cleaners, and many of them are not in a position to negotiate with their employers if they do not wish to vaccinate.”

… The Commission is also calling for institutions of higher learning – including universities – to afford the same respect to students and workers who may not wish to vaccinate. “Due to our country’s legacy of oppression, economic inequality and limited access to information, many students and workers are not empowered to negotiate with big corporates and institutions. The Commission has long taken a commitment to promote and protect the sexual and reproductive health rights of girls, women, and men… Health minister Joe Phaahla says the government has not yet taken a formal decision on mandatory vaccinations in South Africa, with deliberations still ongoing.