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14 Jun 2021

Toh Ting Wei, The Straits Times

Singapore: Ride-hailing operator Gojek cuts commission to improve drivers' earnings

"Gojek cuts its commission by half till at least end-2022 to improve drivers' earnings", 14 June 2021

Ride-hailing operator Gojek will halve the commission it receives from its drivers from June 21 till at least the end-2022, in order to help them increase their earnings.

This means Gojek drivers will get to keep 90 per cent of the fare from every trip, instead of 80 per cent.

The move comes after Grab, the dominant ride-hailing operator here, said it would seek to improve drivers' earnings by introducing a $1 fare hike from this month.


Its general manager, Mr Lien Choong Luen, said: "The ongoing impact of the pandemic is a consistent worry for our driver-partners as they try to sustain their earnings amidst the uncertainty.

"These measures will have a profound impact on the livelihoods of our driver-partners, increasing their take-home earnings while giving them more flexibility by reducing their dependence on incentives."
