Systems & Technology Research has not responded to
Sales of cellphone app data to US govt. agencies raise privacy & usage concerns
USA: CBP to stop buying smartphone location data due to privacy concerns
The United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP) says it will cease purchasing commercially sourced smartphone location data by the end of September 2023, ending its practice of acquiring this information without warrants, amid concerns about privacy violations and Fourth Amendment rights, particularly with regards to vulnerable groups, including migrants.
Investigation exposes multibillion-dollar market to sell users’ location data
An investigation by The Markup huge but little-known industry has cropped up around monetizing people’s movements.
USA: Military unit that conducts drone strikes bought location data from ordinary apps
The 132d Wing of the Iowa National Guard bought Locate X, a product that lets users search by a specific area to see which devices were present
USA: Intelligence analysts use US smartphone location data without warrants, memo says
Systems & Technology Research did not respond to concerns over the sale of sensitive personal data
Sierra Nevada Corporation did not respond to concerns over the sale of sensitive personal data
Babel Street did not respond to concerns over the sale of sensitive personal data
Venntel did not respond to concerns over the sale of sensitive personal data
Muslim Pro responds to concerns about the sale of user data to third parties
How an ICE contractor tracks phones around the world through ordinary apps
USA: ACLU sues DHS over purchase of cellphone location data used to track immigrants
Muslims reel over a prayer app that sold user data: ‘A betrayal from within our own community’
USA: How the military buys location data from ordinary apps
USA: Customs & Border Protection paid $476,000 to a location data firm in new deal
USA: Digital group urges controls on flow of cellphone data to government
USA: Federal agencies use cellphone location data for immigration enforcement
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