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28 Nov 2022

The Citizen (Tanzania)

Tanzania: Govt' to adopt policy to ensure locals benefit from critical energy transition minerals

"Plans to benefit from critical minerals’ potential now set"

The government has issued its plans to benefit from the lucrative critical minerals potential that include adding it in the national mineral strategy which is in the formulation process. Not only will the move benefit the country economically and socially, the decision is expected to make critical minerals constitute an important part in the Tanzania economy. The commissioner of minerals, Dr Abdulrahman Mwanga outlined the plans during the breakfast debate co-organized by Policy Forum (PF), Natural Resources Governance Institute (NRGI) and Hakirasilimali...

According to him, the minerals will probably lose critical status when the world’s priority on clean energy changes, observing however that demand for clean energy will however continue. Dr Mwanga said the mineral’s value in terms of the economy, development and social aspects in the lives of people increases including the manufacture of mobile phones, therefore playing an important role in socialization. “There are times critical minerals will not function in the manufacture of renewable energy. However, they will continue to be instrumental in the development of the country’s economy and social aspect,” he said, insisting that the minerals’ importance will continue.