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21 Oct 2020


Thailand: Companies launch mobile app & website to promote migrant workers' rights

"Companies with business in Thailand launch app to promote migrant workers’ rights", 20 October 2020

The coronavirus pandemic has hit the manufacturing industry hard in Thailand. Particularly vulnerable are the up to five million migrant workers in the country, a group often at risk of being exposed to trafficking and forced labor. In response, companies and organizations in the MOVE network have launched a mobile app and website with information about rights and training in four languages.

“The existence of trafficking and forced labor among migrants in Thailand is well documented. The coronavirus pandemic has worsened the situation,” says Viveka Risberg, Coordinator for MOVE and Program Director for Sustainable Production and Consumption at Swedish non-profit organization Axfoundation. “The mobile app not only provides users with knowledge about COVID-19 and their rights as workers, it also helps strengthen digital competences in a vulnerable group.”

Electrolux, one of the investors of the initiative, views the platform as complementary to traditional factory audits and supplier training.


IOM is a key partner in the MOVE initiative and in parallel with the mobile app, IOM just launched a multilingual website for migrant workers: mitrthai.com. The website and app together form a digital platform with films and information to strengthen knowledge among migrant workers. Users can also provide information about their situation via a survey, thereby MOVE actors gain important knowledge about the challenges faced by migrant workers. [...]