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20 Jan 2015

Khon Rak Ban Koed Group (Thailand)

Thailand: Khon Rak Ban Koed Group calls for permanent closure of gold mine in Loei Province following death of villager

“A statement of conviction by the Khon Rak Ban Koed Group (KRBKG): Close the mine and restore the environment are our goals”, 19 Jan 2015

…[O]ur deepest condolence on the death of Uncle Suwat Juttano …People claim his death has nothing to do with contamination from the gold mine, even though the contaminated stream is situated right by his paddy field and cyanide has been constantly flushed downstream to his food production ground…The tragic departure of Uncle Suwat does attest to the outdated and irrelevant functioning of the bureaucracy and academic circle in Thai society which have failed to establish the link between the frail health and diseases that have ravaged the communities with the origin of the pollution from the mine sites located so immediate to the communities….The only solution that will ensure our safe living and comfortable and peaceful well-being is the permanent closure of the mine and the restoration of the environment as well as the remediation of our health…
