Toxic Swedish mining waste is shipped to Chile
In 1983… Boliden decided that it needed to dispose of…lead and arsenic contaminated smelter waste that had accumulated…at its Ronnskar plant…[and] chose the least expensive option: to ship the waste by boat to Arica…where it would supposedly be further “processed” by the Chilean company Promel…However, the form submitted to the health authority by Promel stated that the material was “non-toxic”…In 2009, the government concluded a study…stating that the area surrounding the original dumpsite was still contaminated, and that people living in the area should be relocated. This has not happened…Hundreds of cases of poisoning have been identified…including…children born years after the toxics were brought to Arica…EDLC and lawyers in Sweden and Chile have been investigating the case. A lawsuit in Sweden is under active consideration.