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27 Sep 2021

Robbie Chalmers, Daily Record

UK: 1,500 Stagecoach bus staff in Scotland to vote on strike action over pay dispute

" Perth-based Stagecoach staff in strike threat over pay dispute as merger talks revealed", 24 September 2021

The brakes could be put on Scotland’s major bus routes this autumn if 1500 workers from Perth -based Stagecoach vote for industrial action over a pay dispute...

The Unite Scotland ballot...covers major bus depots across the country, including ones in Perth, Dundee, Angus and Fife.

Drivers, engineering staff, administrative workers and cleaners are involved in the dispute and if industrial action goes ahead then strikes, and action short of strike, could begin by late October and last three months...

The bus firm failed to reach an agreement with staff over pay, with the union claiming a below inflation rise has been offered.

... a Stagecoach spokesperson said: “... The comments by the union at national level do not reflect the continuing positive discussions that we are having with local Unite representatives as we jointly work towards agreeing pay deals.

“The threat of strike action is even more puzzling as we have already agreed a pay package with Unite covering members in several other parts of Scotland and they remain happy with the deal.

“In addition, union representatives have recommended their members accept the package that we have offered in the west of Scotland...
