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29 Aug 2022

Emily Dugan, The Guardian

UK: Home Office accused of deliberately leaving anti-slavery post unfilled

'Home Office accused of deliberately leaving anti-slavery post unfilled, 29 August 2022

"The Home Office is accused of deliberately failing to appoint a new anti-slavery commissioner to avoid scrutiny while trying to push through legislation on the issue.

It has been a legal requirement to have an independent commissioner since the post was created as part of the Modern Slavery Act in 2015.

Yet this week will mark four months with nobody in the role, despite sources saying that the interview process concluded two weeks before the previous incumbent, Sara Thornton, left.

Thornton, along with other experts, is calling for a replacement as soon as possible. She argues that the risks of exploitation have increased and that planned legislation on modern slavery needs scrutiny...

...Andrew Wallis, the chief executive of the modern slavery charity, Unseen, said it was “hugely telling that we haven’t had an appointment”.

Wallis said that questions needed to be asked about whether the delay was motivated by a desire to push through legislation without scrutiny: “The question is, why wouldn’t you want a commissioner in place?”..."