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25 Feb 2021

Amnesty international UK and Centre for Applied Human Rights (CAHR)

UK: Report reveals need for effective remedies for human rights defenders affected by operations of British-based companies abroad

'On The Human Rights Frontline', 9 February 2021

Around the world there is an unprecedented surge in attacks against human rights defenders – people who protect and promote human rights. This report is centred on interviews with 82 human rights defenders in seven countries who are targeted because of their vital work. It highlights and supports their urgent calls for the UK government to do more to support and protect them… Human rights defenders are … key partners in promoting sustainable business practices, as they encourage due diligence and identify remedial avenues when harm occurs. This has been acknowledged by a group of large businesses, including UK-based companies such as Anglo American and Unilever… The UK will establish effective mechanisms to raise concerns with actors under UK jurisdictions that may be involved in violations. For example, in business-related cases, facilitate the ability of human rights defenders to raise concerns about human rights violations perpetrated by British-based companies. The UK will make it easier for human rights defenders harmed by the operations of UK companies abroad to get access to remedy in the UK via judicial and non-judicial mechanisms… The UK will encourage companies and investors to engage constructively with human rights defenders…