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3 Mar 2023

Umar A Farooq, Middle East Eye (UK)

USA: Defence contractors Raytheon, Lockheed Martin & General Dynamics face lawsuit over arms supply to Saudi-led war coalition in Yemen & complicity in war crimes

"Yemenis sue top US defence contractors for 'aiding war crimes,"

A group of Yemeni nationals has filed a lawsuit in the US against defence contractors Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, and General Dynamics, accusing them of "aiding and abetting war crimes and extrajudicial killings" by supplying arms to the Saudi-led coalition's war in Yemen...

Middle East Eye reached out to the Pentagon, the State Department, the embassies of Saudi Arabia and the UAE, and the three defence contractors for comment on this lawsuit.

The State Department, Pentagon, and Lockheed Martin told MEE that they do not comment on pending litigation...

"Year after year, the bombs fell - on wedding tents, funeral halls, fishing boats and a school bus - killing thousands of civilians and helping turn Yemen into the world’s worst humanitarian crisis," reads the lawsuit, seen by MEE.

"Weapons supplied by US companies through sales unlawfully approved by US officials, allowed Saudi Arabia and the UAE through the named Defendant officials to pursue an indiscriminate and brutal bombing campaign."

The plaintiffs are seven Yemeni individuals who say they represent the victims of two separate bombings in the country - one for a wedding in 2015 and another for a funeral in 2016...