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31 Oct 2011

CBC News

[video] Mining watchdog agency called 'bogus PR job' [Canada]

A mining watchdog agency that was supposed to hold Canadian companies accountable for their actions overseas has done little to protect communities abroad, critics say. In October 2009, the federal government appointed a corporate social responsibility counsellor to probe complaints about Canadian companies committing abuses in developing countries. The...office...has only received two complaints in the past two years..."The whole counsellor position is toothless," said Toronto-based lawyer Murray Klippenstein who is involved in a case against a Canadian mining company. "It's basically a whitewash..."...The first complaint landed on the desk of the office counsellor, Marketa Evans, in April, when a Mexican mining union and mine workers accused a Canadian company of human rights violations...[T]he office's investigation into allegations against...Excellon Resources'...mine project was closed when the company refused to participate any further in the process. [refers to First Quantum Minerals, HudBay Minerals]