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24 Mar 2022

Zambia Lii

Zambia: Telecom regulator agrees to inform public of reason for any interruption in access to internet within 36 hours of any such event in future

‘COF, ZICTA enter consent judgement in internet shutdown case’ 22 March 2022

Chapter One Foundation and Zambia Information and Communication Authority-ZICTA have entered into a consent judgement in which ZICTA has agreed not to act outside its legal authority to interrupt access to the internet in future.

This is in a matter in which Chapter One Foundation filed in judicial review proceedings against ZICTA, challenging the shutdown of internet during the 12th August 2021 general elections.

Zambia experienced an internet shutdown that affected all social media platforms, including WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

With the consent judgement, ZICTA has agreed to inform the public of the reason for any interruption in access to the internet within thirty-six hours of any such event.