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12 Fév 2017

Kim Cloete, Mining Weekly (South Africa)

3 miners remain trapped underground at Lily mine after 1 year; minister says inquiry into accident to start in a few days

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"Inquiry into Lily mine accident to start within a few days", 6 Feb 2017

An inquiry into an accident at the Lily gold mine, in Barberton, Mpumalanga, a year ago, will start within the next few days.The primary objective of the inquiry is to find the container in which three employees, Pretty Nkambule, Yvonne Mnisiand Solomon Nyirende, were trapped and bring it to the surface, so that their families can get closure, Mineral Resources Minister Mosebenzi Zwane said at the Investing in African Mining Indaba, in Cape Town, on Monday...“We understand fully the frustrations expressed by the families and the public at large on the amount of time it has taken to conclude this process, but we want to assure South Africa that no effort is being spared to ensure this matter is resolved,” Zwane said...“Should it be found that there was any recklessness or negligence which resulted in the accident, the law will take its course,” said the Minister...
