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7 Déc 2016

Alison Moodie, Guardian (UK)

Apple, Google & Microsoft invest in solar & wind power to reach 100% renewable energy target

"Google, Apple, Facebook race towards 100% renewable energy target", 6 Dec 2016

Tech giants are jockeying to be the first to hit a 100% renewable energy goal. Google…is the largest corporate buyer of renewable energy, and plans to buy enough wind and solar energy to offset all the electricity used by its 13 data centres and offices in 150 cities worldwide…Apple seems close to reaching its own 100% goal as well...A global campaign to promote 100% renewable energy use…includes Ikea, Facebook, Starbucks and Johnson & Johnson...Businesses would have to build and run their own solar or wind farms if they want to hit their 100% more quickly…[W]hen companies set strong renewable energy goals, they often reach them by buying enough solar and wind electricity or renewable energy credits to offset their use of electricity from coal or natural gas power plants. Some companies, such as Google and Microsoft, have invested in solar and wind power plants to help increase the amount of renewable energy in the local electric grids…