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19 Avr 2021

Md Owasim Uddin Bhuyan, Migrant Forum in Asia (MFA)

Bangladesh: Female domestic workers who returned home during COVID-19 are subject to wage theft, exploitation & lack access to justice

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"Women migrants' wages are also stolen," 19 April 2021

[Bangladeshi domestic worker] Riya claims that her [Saudi Arabian] employer hasn’t paid her 10 months’ salary, which is around USD2700...

In addition to the denial of wages, she was subjected to exploitative working conditions...

Riya had migrated to Saudi Arabia in 2016 through an agency after spending USD700 as a recruitment fee...

According to BOMSA general secretary Sheikh Rumana, 36 women migrants have returned during the last three months and 95 in 2020 after being subjected to wage theft and exploitation.

“Analyzing the SOS calls at our office, we can say that hundreds of migrant women domestic workers are subjected to wage theft and exploitation in all the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries and Lebanon,” Rumana said.

Meanwhile, Bangladesh Parliamentarians’ Caucus on Migration and Development Secretary-General Mahjabeen Khaleed said that the government should take the wage theft issue seriously because it has been an important issue in this COVID-19 time.

“I understand that the Philippine government has taken some practical steps to help migrant workers to claim their unpaid wages. We should see those steps and try to implement the same for our Bangladeshi migrants too,” he said...