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23 Jul 2021

Khuon Narim & Ngay Nai, CamboJA

Cambodia: About 80 employees protest to demand full compensation for laid-off from company due to COVID-19 impacts; while company calls for more dialogue and understanding

"Laid off Siem Reap airport staff protest to demand full payment", 23 July 2021

Former employees of the Siem Reap International Airport protested … calling for what they say is payment owed to 130 workers who were laid off ....

Roughly 80 workers gathered and held placards in front of the airport, urging the government and company to speed up settlement after negotiations with the provincial labor department fell apart ...

Tholna Mony, 42, a former carpark agent who worked for the airport for more than a decade, told CamboJA that the protesters wanted to push authorities and the company to expedite a resolution.

“I have no job since I have been laid off and now face severe financial difficulties. I urge the authorities to find appropriate solutions especially helping in expediting their work,” she said…

“We all want to go back to work when the company fully restores its operation. We cannot find another job because most of us are aging now,” she said…

“Facing this grim situation, the company had to unfortunately let some of its employees go,” said Khek Norinda, a spokesman for Cambodia Airports. He added that the situation has worsened …

In this unprecedented crisis situation, we expect parties to lay grounds for constructive dialogues and to demonstrate mutual understanding,” he added.

… Ron Ravann, president of the Siem Reap Airport Cambodia Tourism Industry Worker Trade Union, said that the company has not done enough to negotiate with the workers and that pandemic or not the law is clear about what workers are owed.

“The calculation [of seniority payment] doesn’t comply with the labor law,” he said…